Thursday, March 03, 2011


Menu: Collard Greens & Winter Roots Soup (The Lee Bros. Simple Fresh Southern cookbook), buttered Ezekial Bread
Music: TV On the Radio, SNL re-run

I'm not sure where cookbook authors get their listed prep times - this one says 10 minutes, which was far from true for me. It took me more like thirty. It was worth it, though. I was admittedly and severely hungover today and this was a great hangover elixir. With local kale and turnips, as well as carrots, garlic, onion, cannellini beans and a little bit of nitrate-free, uncured bacon for flavoring, this turned out to be a healthy, light meal. The only thing that might have made it better would have been homemade vegetable broth but I didn't have the devotion or energy for that tonight; nor did I have much energy for music selection so I turned on an SNL re-run. I got lucky - TV On the Radio was performing.

Off to a weekend of letting someone else (a pro, in a restaurant) cook for me! Back to my kitchen on Sunday.

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