Last night, Mandy Rowden of Girl Guitar put together an amazing show and info session for women singer/songwriters and wannabes.
Terri Hendrix performed several of her best songs, including "The Spiritual Kind", "If I Had A Daughter" (which brought a lot of tears from the estrogen and creativity-filled audience), "Goodtime Van", "No Love In Texas", "Walk On Me", and "Wallet"- her first time performing alone, sans Lloyd Maines, in 10 years! She shared stories with us about how she wrote some of the songs and her personal advice on pursuing a career in music (predictably, it involved a lot of "don't give up", but was truly inspiring). Something about her energy is so contagious. Check out this video of Terri singing "Places In Between" (courtesy of Karen Chisolm).
Mandy Rowden opened the show with Paul Mancusso (sp?) sitting in on multiple instruments, Tanya Winch was interviewed by Terri and sang her (awesome) song, "He's Getting Ready" - a guess on the title of that one, since I don't think it's on any of her albums yet. Kim Miller also made an appearance with a really pretty song called "Soy Tu Sirena".
Vickie Lucero of Propaganda Media Group gave us some tips on choosing a publicist and deciding if the expense is even justified, depending on the place a musician is at in their career.
All in all, an awesome night for music and chicks. Kudos to Mandy for coordinating it.
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